Wednesday, April 16, 2008

wednesday morning....

Wed morning! man... when i woke up today juz cant stop thinking of her.. remember yesterday night when she say i shud take a rest and find her a few days later i was fine... maybe we shud... but this morning when i woke up i realise that i cant not see her even a day... seriously din know i miss her that much, i got myself up early(atlast) get ready and all as fast as possible, wanna reach there a.s.a.p. although i know i will be waiting there for a lil while.. but who cares i thought... got to the bus stop juz in time, reach her place around 11, this is the funny part... i wanted to walk up the stairs to the 6 floor by adding another 4 floors for the parking lot, so total is 10 floors, what happen is when i was going up the stairs it got darker.. and there goes when i reach 1st floor i got scared! i cant belive it! i was standing there stoned thining shud i cont walking up or not, in the end i gave up... man they shud realy on the lights! stupid condo... and that stupid childrens bike that they put at the 6th floor which i hate most... curse them a lil when i turn back and walk down..

so i juz stood by the lift and wait for her to come down... as usual people that came out of the lift looked at me with that funny look.. till 11.30(girl ur late, ur class is 11.30 as well) finnaly saw the lift going to 6th floor, u juz cant imagine how happy am i.. i dont care when she come down saw me then asking me to leave of anything, i dont care i juz wanna see her for while... soooo she came down and lucky to see that she didnt ask me to leave... at that moment i wanted to give her a big and long hug, but time does not allowe me to do so... walked her to class and now im waiting for her class to end... ~i really miss you!

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