Thursday, April 24, 2008

2nd month anniversary!

It is now my 2nd month anniversary.. as usual my gf always i mean sometimes give me that cold treatment.. and the whole day she was on the hp playing game... as for we are working in a nokia roadshow and penang is realy quiet... so god damn bored it make us work hard=play hard... However i realy wish she dont hide so much of her feelings towards me... i realy wanna know so much on how she feels, also how she feels bout me and all... for me i miss her every moment wanna juz hug her n hug her...

anywayz back in the hotel room went on facebook and saw a shocking news!!!! thats my fren is gettnig married... man! its juz so fast.... she my 1st fren to get married! unbelivable.... got a long talk with her onthe phone, talk some crap and all nice catching up with her... and yay!going to her wedding on may... cant wait to she her in those big chuncky stufff!!!!juz wow!

altrite its bed time... back to work hard=play hard later....

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