Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's Day!!

Starting with a call from my gf which woke me up b4 the time i even wana wake up.. hahah, weird thing is that she didnt even realise that she called me till a few min later?!?.. haha.. well, the funny part is that the piggy girl seems like getting herself into some embarrassing moments b4 she calls me.. hahaha, going in the wrong class and even stay there for a while, long enough for her to realise that every1 is sleeping n next is running away from a korean guy to cover up her embarrassment which end up the same~ hahaha! (come on clumsy/piggy girl). some how is juz so cute and funny to listen to her telling me all this stuff when im half awake...

This time it seems like im able to catch the bus in time which juz takes me around 10 mins of waiting.. GOD the public transpost in malaysia realy SUCKS! coz normally it realy takes me an hour to wait for the god damn bus to come, end up taking the cab... *piss* thinking of it.. then went on to find the piggy girl of mine, as usual she never can stop peeling her dry skin's fm her finger, which i remind her every day or to say every MINUTE when im with her! realy hope she can keep it in her mind not to peel her dry skin for she will then complain to me her finger hurts.... and obviously as a bf will have to look after her(every minute if have to. *realy* LOL)

Missing the movie was some how a bad choice which leads to shopping, man shopping was never fun for me,other than the 1st step choosing the outfit that i like. seriously i dont know y but it realy drains all my energy even worst than working in a roadshow.. especially during the visit to the fitting room.. man they realy shud invent something to put the clothes on fast..*dreaming of it* some how happy that my gf is not like those lanci* girls that shops around making alot of noise with their frenz on buying this or that comes with that 'accent' *hellz*

talking bout dinner MANTRA is a must go restaurant if ur looking for some india cuisine, its realy nice there, which i had my 1st dinner there with obviously the piggy girl.. glad shes happy with the restaurant i think she likes the water that flows at the wall and also the sofa sits and yah not forgetting the cushion, sadly the food there were a little to spicy for her (anywayz she cant even take a bit of spicy stuff) for me taste good, smell good... and back home there is another dinner on the table waiting for me, surprisingly i even finish up my 2nd dinner without left overs.. damn over eating!! Hmm~ gona catch some slp for the next days shopping again since i juz have only one and a half hour of class~~ *yawns*


tingting said...

!#@$#&%(&)(*&() you got a problem with me !!?? huh!!??? Uncle Joe!!!~~~~ I know its kinda frustrated to "order" me stop peeling my skin!!*People who read your wanna-be blog will probably think tht i am a snake,thanks 4 u =.=*

Ya..no more Indian food..it almost killed my tongue!!

P/S: STOP bullying me on your blog....you betta watch out...wait till a day when i have that "mood" i will have my own blog with allll your wanna be stories!

ashley said...

i cant believe i just read a blog which talk about women's shopping attitude..and that actually written by my own bro...

wannabe joe said...

hahaha.. dont worry, im being bias, muz add 'other than my sis, if they ever do so...' LOLZZ