Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Like every normal day..

still the same thing, waking up late coz of the tiredness i had for 3 days... been home reading new papers, cleaning up the house a lil.. been too lazy n not home always, got to help my mom a lil on the house work for im the only 1 at home... got a call later from 1 of my best bud, saying that he went to find this girl which we work with for the during the nokia roadshow... *hmm* seems like he found some 1 that suits him.. hard to get! hahaha! well good for him you know.. all the best to him... *haa* some how i might miss a good fren hangging out with me.. realy like hangging out with my bro's.. aywayz as long as he is happy he shud go for it...

cont wif my day at my gf's plc... ntg much... went grocery shopping with her which was damn sweet(i think) later cont wif some help on cleaning up her plc a lil.. man.. when she start all the hard work... *hmm* all hell break loose! she got all passionate n then moody(a lil)... dont have to ask what happen later.. but this time not that bad 'luckily'! man.. shes beside me now... hope she dont see this till i get home..... hehe~ alrite... got to end the day and off pending on bedtime...

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