Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I wonder why these days im getting all slow and blurry... man, i think is because of the classes im having, which is too little that makes me so free, other than in some easy job for some certain days only... *hmm* mayb i shud get a job in starbuck or some thing, must get myself bz bz and also being usefull.. so that i wont be so god damn free, which cause my brain to slow down and also the movements= getting stupid day by day.... im feeling kinda sad tho... man... i do nothing in the day, and it's the same at night.... sleep late wake up late... eat, drink, sleep... shit.. this is getting way wrost... must realy think of a solution for this... anyone, plz HELP!!!! ok then i better head to bed now.. will wake up earlier tmr! all the best to myself! GAMBATEH!!!


tingting said...

Finding reasons so that you could better!!?? ;p

wannabe joe said...
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