Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tired..... *EMOzzzzzz*

Juz got home fm a long usual trying hard to get my piggy girl to stop peeling her dry skin(some kind of sensitive skin she have) which dont realy seem to get in her 'thick skull' that keep peeling will make it even wrost off..... *i wonder why?**hahaz*.

Anywaz a tired tired day, but there is still things running thru my head.. thinking that always wanted to make her happy, always smilling, with that big watery eyes looking back at me that seems to tell me that she is some how very happy with me... but i think i juz keep failing to do so, to keep her happy always... mayb im not trying my very best yet, or i juz dont know how to treat the one i love.. and hurt them always.

Other than that, i always think that people that is being remember or miss is some how very special.. knowing that he is always being missed and remember makes him special and as the evil me being jealous, and hurtful to also know that how good he can treat her and make her happy or mayb atleast not piss at him which i cant, and on the other hand always making her angry.... if he juz know that how lucky he is to be the one .......although he may b 'the one' but if there is anything or whatever she needs, i will still always be there to help and assist her no matter what it cost.... mayb sooner or later she will realise that, or mayb she already did.....
~~~missing her already~~~


tingting said...

Tut mir sher leid dass du bist immer traurig wegen mir. Ich weiss dass es gibt immer noch jeman in mein Herz, ich glaube er ist meine imagination, aber du...mein Schatz..du bist me die realität.Vielleicht du verstehst uberhault nicht,aber mach nicht ;) ich Liebe dich und vermisse dich immer!

wannabe joe said...

thx for the comment baby.. i got it atlast...