Thursday, April 24, 2008

countdown for a week of nokia roadshow

today was well kinda had some ups and down... a lil not that boring day... had a lil fight wif my baby gal during the roadshow.. u guys see boredrome alwayz make ppl stress and then there come the urge to break free of it... hahaha... and hell breaks loose.... but we still had our not so happy dinner at chillis... as usual nice food... but i think the steak in penang is not that fresh, mean the beef... kinda out of the usual standart...

and so we are getting ready to club tonight... heading towards soul penang club!! was told by my project manager to club hard!hahaha... flash back a couple of hours back, i was actualy walking back from my work place which is gurney plaza to gurney hotel.. although it sound like its beside but i can take half an hour to walk back.. so i took a lil break from all stress and qurrel and craps.. walk along the beach, put on the ipod had a peace of mind for while.. it does feel good... ok back to current. hahah my baby is actauly complainning that she does not have heels, hahaha! which is kinda funny coz we guys actauly get ready our cloths for clubs and she did not! dumbo!!! lolz!! nvm she will still go with her slippers..

ok... im of to the club!!! duno where but who cares! ciaozzz!


2nd Unit 2nd Room said...

see that you've a tremendous great life eh.. :)
cheers and take carez...

party hard ya... :)
still working for trinity?

wannabe joe said...

hahaha.. yup it seems like it