Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Getting Started....

Wow..!! i actually started blogging after having some time thinking bout it..till my gf actually open the site for me(too lazzzy) haha.. anywayz, wana thx my gf for helping me getting in to this web site and get me started by even teaching me which is to button to click for creating an account(which obviously i pretended that i don't noe how)and also the title and even the blog add(cant believe it, thx baby muaxx..) haha.. other than that, she also helped me in choosing the wallpaper,which i seem to have a hard time on it although its a simple thing..(hope the readers like it) and there goes *puff* i started this first blog..... *ahh*have to ask my gf how to post this thing... *crapy*


tingting said...

very first comment huh~~haha...DA..da wanna be has his own blog!!!Wanna be really suits u~~i am not the only one that agrees :p (at least better than the one that you thought ..AJI~~Something something..so gay..)


Tina Chow Sook Peing said...

Hello~ =)

It's so fun seeing you doing a blog, I wonder what u gonna write.

Yup no just Mei agrees that wannabe suits u, I agree too! So she is referring to me Mr Wannabe.

Hope u enjoy urself here, be hardworking in updating ya, i hope this blog will stay alive.


Btw, does Mei has a blog herself? If yes I can imagine it'll be so interesting!


wannabe joe said...

hahaha! lolzz.. alrite tina~~ btw mei dont have her own blog yet, mayb she will open 1 soon.. who knows depend on her mood, hahaha!