Friday, April 11, 2008

my sassy girl...

like every normal day... and im home all day long do a lil stuff then sleep n wake up n sleep... and i just got to know that my friend knows about the girl my bud likes.. she told me some stuff bout her, no big deal.. just kinda scared my bud got cheated, thinking that he likes her, easily the girl can do anything to make use of him.. anyway is his first time i see going serious with a girl(with dates).. or mayb second... and yup, i will still be there to guide him, what are friendz for anywayz..

till night i went to find the sassy girl of mine, saw her working in the restaurant makes me kinda heart ache, i never really like her being a waitress, don't mind her doing some other job like promoting and all, waitress juz dont seem right.. till later after work she told me that she had to wash dishes and all, man...... makes me feel even worst, knowing that her finger is not really in a good condition(she never stop peeling them) i seldom let her wash the dishes and dont mind taking it all by myself, then she went and be a waitress that needs her to wash the dishes... what are u thinking lil piggy??! juz hope she wears glove next time...

*ahhh* and now im still not sleeping is coz that sassy girl that wants to accompany me coz she dont want me to sleep alone for i have to sleep at the sofa in the living room, which is a sweet thing... that comes with a sad thing that shes the 1 sleeping on the sofa but not me! hahaha... seems like i juz have to wait till she realize it and go back to the bedroom.. (she love the sofa alot tho!) *yawnz* i will see wat to do later haha(hope so)..... *hmmm*


ashley said...

*::i go do waiter..dont know u wll heart broken or not..lols~~*::*

tingting said...

Da,Liebe dich sher! **Kuss**

wannabe joe said...

haha.. mayb tho.. but ur finger is fine mah, so wont have the heart break part... lolz!