Tuesday, April 8, 2008

back on9!!

*PHEW* after three stright days of nokia roadshow, which comes with a nokia race 'soul of the night' realy exhaust me.... anyway it was somehow fun.. love the race, love being bz.. juz the lack of time to be with my love 1, nvm.. will have some weekends of for then/her soon.. Monday morning still waking up wif the tiredness with me, got my arse up for the only subject for 3 months this final sem.. anywayz its a limited class that i will get, if i dont go i will be bored to death -.-"

Everything was kinda simple today.. nothing realy speacial happen other than ***. the tiredness conts thur out the whole day... realy realy exhausted, need more rest!!! haha.. bt i did had a great dinner! although it was kinda late, but who cares as long its great! haha.. juz gives a good feeling to the heart and also to the body(coz im exhausted) to have some moments with her n also getting sweet stuff which its her fav thing... 'sweet stuff = sweet smile+happiness' guess its her formula.. lolz!

*hmm* n there is this 1 thing bout desperate guys, get a life man... knowing people(girl) is not single go on juz be a good fren n thats it! dont go over the border.. for obviously dont stand a chance if no1 give in... giving the name of phillip 'something' which piss me off so much for giving promises to be a good fren but in the end still end up being as 'the every guy' for her which looks for her advantage..... -.-"" wont allow that to happen as long as shes under my care! (sound lame tho)

lady.. u have to be strong in making a decision sometimes... there is always an exclusion clause in every decision that is made, remember that... =) ~goodnitez~~

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